Blog O' Ray

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sloths and raftings and sunburnt knees!

Ok, so we went rafting on some river yesterday, it was pretty cool, me and Eric were on a raft with these 3 hillbilly chicks from Mississippi, they talked funny sounding. On our way to said rafting river we witnessed a 3 toed sloth in all of its glory. Amazing. It... did absolutely nothing. Lazy bastard. Then the guide informed us about all of its wonderful traits, that the only time it comes down from the tree is when it has to take a crap, and it digs a little hole with his tail, and then craps in the hole, and then covers the hole with dirt. How fascinating.
Anyway, while we were rafting, my suntan lotion obviously got washed off, and now my knees are all burnt and shiny! Yay! But its cool, its cool.
Oh ya, on the busride back from rafting, we had to drive through a lot of fog, and the stupid fucking chicks from Mississippi were yelling at the bus driver to stop and pullover until it went away, and then they started panicking and calling the busdriver an ¨idiota!¨, so fucking annoying. And they talked funny.
Ok, today we drive from San Jose to Monte Verde, supposedly a 5 hour bus ride, but I´m gonna guess that it´ll be more like 7 or 8 hours. Cool, cool, depressing, cool.
Anyway, pura vida and all that crap.
Peace out

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The REAL Costa Rica

Ok, so we´ve left resort, and are on our way to begin experiencing the REAL Costa Rica! ....two hours later, we were thieved! This lady that we´re travelling with (Her name is Elianne), well, someone stole her wallout while we were waiting for the bus. So she lost her Visa and stuff, and she´s pretty pissed. But we held our heads high, and decided not to let it affect us, so we strode triumphantly aboard the autobus! Except.... the supposedly 3 hour bus ride to San Jose ended up taking about 7 hours. 7 hours of crying babies and humidity. Loud crying babies. Loud mewling parasites spouting their cacaphonous cries of fury. Not pleasing.
Anyway, now we´ve arrived at a nice little hostel in San Jose called Backpackers Costa Rica, and it´s pretty swell. Life is swell! Tomorrow we head out for some river somewhere to some whitewater rafting.
That´s all for now,
Peace Out!


Friday, February 03, 2006

Haven't you always wanted a monKEY!

Haven't we all? Is it not the ancient parable quoted by the Pharaohs and wise tortoises of our time?! Yes. It is. So... A lot has happened since my last entry, I've been on numerous excursions, encountered numerous furry animals, etc...
Let's start with the riverboat tour. We went on a river boat. The End. No, but seriously, it was pretty cool, lotsa 'cocorodiles', as our guide would say, I got some good pics of these cocorodiles. I also got to see some MONKEYS!!! Howler monkeys were good, but the little white faced ones were amazing, just like Marcel from friends. I like monkeys.
I've actually seen a lot of monkeys since then, the howlers woke me up this morning, as they started howling when it began raining, I don't think they were pleased. So I went out and mocked them. Crazy monkeys.
So yeah, we went on a deep sea fishing trip yesterday, me, my dad, my bro, and a couple other guys. We saw manta rays, dolphins, a big turtle, lotsa fishies. Ok, so we went fishing, and I caught a frikkin 9 foot Swordfish!!! Twas glorious, all the other boys were jealous of my big fish. We also caught a 4 foot dorado fish, which we cooked up and ate, and the other boys just caught little tunas. Wussies. I'm a big man. 9 feet big.
Ok, so I head off the resort tomorrow into the deep dark unknown that is Costa Rica, but I'll try to keep my avid readers updated!
Adios compadres! Viva Mexico!
Rayman out.